Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SCIENCE AND DISCOVERY: Isaac Newton’s New Physics; Darwin & Evolution; Einstein’s Revolution (All You Want to Know Series) Reviews

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ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SCIENCE AND DISCOVERY: Isaac Newton's New Physics; Darwin & Evolution; Einstein's Revolution (All You Want to Know Series)

Science & Discovery is a riveting presentation, in understandable language, of the ideas of three of history's significant scientific figures. Special emphasis on clear and relevant explanations gives you a new arsenal of knowledge about how the world works!


Newton was a natural philosopher who described a planetary system held together by gravitational forces. His "Principia" changed science forever, establishing a way of thinking that still shapes our everyday understanding of physics and movement.


Darwin introduced the idea that mankind and other species are descended from common ancestors, evolving through strictly natural processes such as natural selection ("survival of the fittest"). Darwin's controversial ideas sparked a debate that still rages today.


In 1905, Albert Einstein's name became synonymous with "genius" when his Theory of Relativity challenged old concepts in physics, shaking our conventional ideas about space and time.

List Price: $ 30.00

Price: $ 19.99

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