Friday, March 4, 2011

Physics Handbook, 8th Edition

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Physics Handbook, 8th Edition

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What is that formula? Where did I see it? How can I check it? Those are common-enough posers for the busy physicist. But now there need be no more library-searching or head-scratching for that elusive data. Here at last is a single volume which summarises the entire world of physics. An important learning tool for the student, an invaluable reference for the professional. In this handbook you can quickly locate any data and formulae you need.Clearly presented, extensively indexed, this impressive work includes: numerical values (in SI units as well as other suitable units) of the fundamental constants of physics, numerical values of non-SI units etc; data on mechanical, thermal, electric, atomic, nuclear, solid state and other properties of numerous materials, including the elements of the periodic table and astronomical objects; a wide selection of physical notation and formulae, mathematical formulae, equations, integrals etc; and the tables which comprise extensive nuclear data, including binding energy, half-life, fission product yields, cross-sections, decay modes, and decay energies of numerous nuclides.

List Price: $ 38.30

Price: $ 34.47

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